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Lingyin Temple

Why is the Lingyin Temple special?

Lingyin Temple is one of the most significant and beautiful Buddhist monasteries in China. "Ling-yin", meaning "Soul's Retreat" in Chinese, is indicative of its peaceful natural surroundings.


Lingyin Temple Highlights

Ling Ying Temple as a significant Buddhist temple, it holds an intensive collection of artifacts and treasure related to the religion. Thousands of people come here every day to worship and find peace.


Buddhist Architecture
The Hall of the Heavenly King has a statue of Maitreya, the smiling, belly-baring Buddha, seated in the middle. The main hall, not far away, displays a prominent statue of Sakyamuni who founded Buddhism.


One Thread of Heaven
On the ceiling of the main grotto, which is dedicated to the bodhisattva Guanyin, is a crack in the rock that stretches up to its surface. If one stands in a single position, a tiny sliver of sunlight can be seen. This phenomenon is described as seeing "one thread of heaven".


Culture Relics
The Temple contains an important collection of Buddhist literature together with many other treasures. Therefore, it is a great storehouse of information for those who wish to study aspects of Chinese Buddhism in detail.


The palaces, pavilions, and halls together with their many figures of Buddhist deities represent a splendid and unique collection of architectural and artistic cultural relics. The various buildings and pagodas date from the Southern Song, Ming, and Tang Dynasties.


Among the ancient writings are scriptures written on pattra leaves, the Diamond Sutra copied by Dong Qichang in the Ming Dynasty, and a wood cut edition published during the Qing Dynasty.



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