Bullet Trains to Beijing or Shanghai Debut from Chengdu or Chongqing
High-speed trains started running between Chengdu and Beijing, Chengdu and Shanghai, Chongqing and Beijing and Chongqing and Shanghai>Bullet Trains from Chengdu to Beijing and fro...
New High-Speed Rail Makes Beijing-Shanghai 4-Hour Traffic Possible
China will open its high-speed rail link between Beijing and Shanghai in June, cutting the journey between the two cities in half to less than five hours. The 1,318-kilometre rail...
Hainan Kicks off Tax Refund Program for Overseas Tourists
Overseas visitors can now claim tax refunds on purchases in Hainan, south China’s island province, as the rebate plan went into effect 1st, January, 2011. The tax refunding prog...
Beijing-Shenyang High-speed Passenger Train to be Completed in 2014
According to a document released recently by the Third Survey and Design Institute Group of the Ministry of Railways, the construction of the high-speed passenger line from Beijin...
2010 Visitor Arrivals in Tibet Exceed 6.37 Million
According to figures released by the Tibet Tourism Bureau, a record number of 6.37 million tourists from home and abroad visited Tibet Autonomous Region in the first 10 months of ...
Sanya Received Nearly 90,000 Russian Tourists in 2010
According to the Sanya Tourism Development Board, the number of Russian tourists visiting Sanya jumped 78.48% year on year to nearly 90,000 in the period from January to August 20...
Tibet Publishes Ten-Year Tourism Development Roadmap
Tibet Tourism Bureau has published a ten-year plan for the development of the Tibetan tourism. According to the roadmap, Tibet will spend ten years building a tourism layout of "...
Investing in the Growth of Travel in China
After a 4 percent drop in 2009, travel bookings in China will grow by 5 percent in 2010, projects a new PhoCusWright report, "Emerging target="_blank" title="China Travel">China ...
China to Become World's Top Tourist Destination by 2015
A senior official with the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) said Sunday China is expected to become the world's largest tourist destination by 2015. "China, as...
Hainan Regulates Visa Waiver Policy
Hainan Provincial People's Government has issued the "Regulations on Service and Management of Visa Waivers for Foreign Tour Groups Visiting Hainan", which will be implemented fr...