Recently, the exhibition marks the 70th anniversary of the beloved cartoon character opens in Shanghai. Snoopy, the dog from Peanuts, the comic series created by US artist Charles Schulz, has taken the spotlight of an ongoing exhibition at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Shanghai. The exhibition will run until January 4, 2021.
This is the first time that Peanuts has collaborated with an art museum to put up a large-scale exhibition, according to Miriam Sun, executive director of MoCA Shanghai. The exhibition also marks the seventh Animamix Biennial at the museum, which is located in People's Park in downtown Shanghai.
The exhibition attempts to eliminate the boundaries between art and animation, fashion and tradition, technology and humanity. The exhibition combines the virtual with reality perfectly through the most advanced AR technology, echoing the narrative theme “what a wonderful day”.
Snoopy has attracted more than 3 billion fans worldwide, and has become the most popular dog in the world. The exhibition reviews classic moments of Peanuts, and illustrates its history and development.