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Shanghai holds exhibition of Victor Hugo

Date: 2019.08.13 Author: Charles Wang

On August 13, Shanghai Pearl Art Museum held an exhibition featuring French artist Victor Hugo. The exhibition is titled “Victor Hugo: The Inner World of a Genius.”


The show displays over 200 works related to Victor Hugo, including books, paintings, and photos, and it is divided into 5 parts according to their time of creation and cultural significance. Many rarely-seen creations and related stuff of Hugo are brought to the show, such as letters, sculptures, and interior decorations of his Paris home, many of which have never been brought out of Paris before. The exhibition presents Hugo’s life journey and his major works in a chronological order, providing the viewers an opportunity to learn more about this genius of art in a clearer way.


Speaking of Hugo, people would instantly remind his three most well-known masterpieces – Notre-Dame de Paris, Les Miserables, and Quatrevingt-treize, which are all included in this exhibition. "They are representative of Hugo's works created during different periods, demonstrating his profound influence on other artists and the era he lived in," says Li Dandan, the organizer of the show and the executive director of the Pearl Art Museum.


The show will last to December 1 at Shanghai Pearl Art Museum.