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National Art Museum of China opened contemporary Greek art exhibition

Date: 2018.12.05 Author: Celia Tang

The art exhibition of the contemporary Greek art opened at the National Art Museum of China (NAMOC) in Beijing, which will last until January 17th, 2019. The exhibition is co-organized by NAMOC and the National Museum of Contemporary Art in Athens, which aims to promote cross-cultural exchange between the two countries, according to the organizers.


This exhibition themed as “Tao as Objects: From Image to Spirit”. About 80 works from 40 Greek artists are displayed. The common element of these works is their connection to language, writing and paper. The exhibition is intended to show the creation of art by artists applying language as the core communication tool.


The curator of NAMOC, Wu Weishan said that in the process of building a community with a shared future for humanity, people should not only learn and inherit history, but also respect their contemporary art. Different cultures should further understand and integrate with each other during the process of communication.